When I am walking about I like to leave my phone at home.
I rarely see anyone just walking off-grid anymore, because they usually have headphones on, phones out, and they are always running or cycling, or they are on some kind of e-scooter or electric skateboard.
Sometimes I see people running whilst holding up their phone and speaking to someone on FaceTime. Everyone has to be busy all the time.
Most of the time I see people with their earbuds plugged in talking on their handsfree. You see this when people are walking, driving, cycling, running, or on public transport.
When I first saw this on the tubes and in the streets I thought that I was seeing schizophrenics, until I realised what was happening.
I don’t like earbuds, and I still hold my phone up to my ear if I have to speak to someone remotely, so I find it strange from my own perspective. I imagine that if people from the pre-electronic age were to travel forwards in time and witness this, they would think that they were seeing androids.
People look like they are in some kind of trance or separated state, it doesn’t sit right with me.
I know that these people are just exercising, listening to music, or podcasts, or chatting about work and social matters, but I find it strange and disturbing.
It feels a bit like I’ve been transported to the wrong planet at some unfamiliar location, space, time — I can’t quite tell if it’s in the past, or the future, or if this is a parallel reality.
This got me thinking about future timelines. I think that we are in a space/time nexus right now, where all of these different kinds of souls are basically smashed together in an Overworld, and that’s why it’s so crazy and chaotic here.
I wonder if COVID-19 somehow split Earth’s timeline, because things haven’t seemed the same ever since that happened.
Over time, and beyond this nexus, I believe that the future version of Earth that we will end up on — in our next incarnation — will depend on our individual spiritual development, according to the choices that we make now in this lifetime.
So when we reincarnate we will find ourselves to be shifted into a particular frequency, or branch of The New Earth wave function, and therefore we will be separated from those who are on different spiritual evolutionary trajectories.
It really seems as if we are all currently smashed together at this nexus point, but we are all on our own unique spiritual paths, because we are ultimately going our own separate ways.
Do you feel this?
If you are becoming more robotic, integrated with technology, and plugged into the social/technical organism, then in your next life you will find yourself on a New Earth that is an expression, and a representation of that.
If you don’t value spirit, or individual creative expression, and you are becoming part of the Hive Matrix, then this represents your trajectory.
There are multiple pathways to very different future Earths.
I don’t want this to sound judgmental at all, it’s just that I see a section of humanity becoming more robotic and integrated with technology. I think this is what will happen to them, and because of their freewill decisions, it’s where they are ultimately headed;
Integration with the Hive Matrix causes a reduction in the expression of individual spirit.
We are not all going to end up on the same timeline, which means we are going to end up on different future Earths.
There has to be a New Earth timeline where people take a more spiritual path, where we still use technology, but we have not become so consumed by it and integrated with it, that we have lost the spark that makes us unique, human, free, spirited, and creative.
I call this mode Avatar Primitivism.
It’s taken me a while to try to define it’s operation, but now I think that this is the best way to understand what the concept means.
Clearly at this current nexus in 2024, this is nothing in comparison to how things will start to look as we move into the 2030’s, where people are likely to become more and more hybridised and integrated with brain-computer, and brain-machine interfaces, with mixed reality, smart glass, smart contacts, and so forth, as is predicted by Ray Kurzweil.
Then further down the line I think that nanotechnology will start altering peoples biological and psychological composition.
You could say that at this stage we are just beginning to move out of the nexus point, or phase transition (I call it the PlagueNexus, because of COVID), and therefore the timelines are starting to split.
It’s hard to predict exactly how things will look further along. We could see multiple races, or clades emerge, but I think that humans who integrate with technology will ultimately assimilate into the genetic pool of the alien collectives -/ some people already think that their souls belong the ancestry of the insectoids or the greys — so The Split ↔ + hybridisation is going to create subspecies, then eventual homogeneity in post-humanity.
This hybridisation-technological-alien assimilation process will likely eventually result in two distinct species/races, one that is a hybrid, and one that remains fully human.
Those who remain fully human should hopefully ascend spiritually. This will be a process of developing heightened sensitivities in anahata, which means a more evolved ability to feel love energy projected towards each other >~ human unity is simply a necessity for future survival. There will also be highly developed mental/psychic sensitivities and abilities too.
Therefore, there will be two kinds of harmony and resolution to conflict in the future, natural and artificial. The former is based in anahata and has spiritually evolved, and the latter is technologically induced, and results in The Hive.
I was always sensitive as a child, and throughout my life, but ever since the PlagueNexus/Awakening occurred, these sensitivities that I always had seem to have phase-shifted, and they have re-organised in service to a new consciousness, a new experience, and a new understanding of the world. The upgrade in anahata consciousness is enabling these sensitivities to advance and develop to a much greater capacity.
Believe me though, it’s not alway easy - as soon as I step outside I am feeling everyone’s energies, and the impact of the mental environment. It’s overwhelming, and a lot of it is negative.
At this time there is massive confusion, dark, demonic, negative activity — we see a mental health crisis in young people, there is killing, conflict,
Earth has an energetic sickness.
If a world peace meditation were to cause random number generators to cohere, then it’s the exact opposite right now — there is massive distortion and decoherence, causing the vulnerable and the spiritually fragile to become negatively channeled and even energetically demonic.
Everyone feels this to some extent. I once pulled up next to somebody and asked them why they didn’t let another driver into a lane and the dude exploded with total rage, threatening to kill me.
This is just one example, but you can see that so many people here on this Earth plane are on such a short fuse, literally anything could set them alight.
Like Chris Mellon, Marshall Summers, David M. Jacobs, and Richard Dolan, I think that it is important not to get the modern ET phenomenon mixed up with interdimensional entities.
They are physical beings form our sector of the galaxy, and they travel in stages. However, lately, I have been wondering if there are also manifest demonic forces here as-well, due to Earth’s energetic imbalance;- an example being the 7-8ft shadowy creatures reported at Miami mall on New Years day.
I don’t know if this was demonic activity, perhaps it was alien, but like so many of the witnesses said, there is definitely a lot of weird stuff happening that is being covered up.
🌲 stay sharp.